Health shoes the flaps on the shoes they get tighter when you have low blood pressure is low. Also they fall if your heart is not getting enough blood flow .Also your shoes come with a hard drive and if you experience symptom you get the hardrive and plug it in the computer and it […]
soil experement
The color of my soil was tanish brown. The texture was 30 persent smooth and 70 persent grity. the temperature on the inside was 20.6 degrees Celsius. The time the time the water went in the hole was 05:01:07 but it would of been less if Casen stoped the stop wacth. The rular went in […]
Row Your Site
A horse can almost see around its whole body. A horse is measured in hands. A horse that is forty one inches is 10.1 hands. A male horse is called a stallion and a female is called a mare. A group is called a herd. A baby is called a foal.
Barack Obama
1. Born in Hawaii. 2. Went to college 1988. 3. Visited troops in Iraq. 4. He had two girls. 5. His wife name is Michelle.
funny stuff
1. my cousin was recording me at my uncles house he threw his arm and his phone out his hand. 2. my uncle was doing a back flip and he flew of tramp and got a face full of sand. 3. once i said pies eat puppy,s and apple,s eat horse,s .